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Buy Online Ubqari products medicines Ubqari Dawakhana Anmol Khazana Ubqari Price List 2022 in Pakistan

In this article, we discuss Buy Online Ubqari products medicines Ubqari Dawakhana Anmol Khazana ubqari price list 2022 in Pakistan. We are introducing some products, still, we are selling 120 plus products on You should buy it here.

Cattle Treatment Medicine

Cattle treatment gives a new lifeline.

Cattle Treatment is an amazing treatment that extends a new life to the cattle. Are your cattle facing stomach pain, getting weaker, don’t eat properly, swelling in the intestines, sickness, germs in the stomach, loose motion, constipation or failure to chomp, etc? Remember! Only healthy cattle chomps. Failing to chomp means it is not feeling well.

“Janwar Shifa” is useful for several kinds of diseases. Start feeding as per the given instructions and see your cattle getting recover and start chomping. This treatment has no side effects. It can also be given to a healthy animal. It keeps the cattle protected against various seasonal diseases and keeps your animal healthy.

Note: The traders who domesticate the animals and prepare them for Eid ul Adha should use this valuable treatment. It will make your animals healthy and eye-catching and will bring good rewards for your services.


Qad Daraz Course In Pakistan

Those who have short heightened youngsters, don’t bother, you can also raise your height reasonably because short-heightened people remain under confident. If your height is short, it means that your body did not take the food that is necessary to raise your height. If your height stops rising for any reason, your bones going to be weak, occurring a deficiency of minerals and calcium then don’t worry, the “Qad Daraz Course” will true your dreams. Short height makes your personality incomplete.

“Qad Daraz Course” is an effective course for those who are worried about their short height. “Qad Daraz Course” by raising your height makes your personality attractive and built up your confidence. It is the best compound of pure and harmless natural herbs that provide vitamins to your body and assist to raise your height.

It grows your body, removes deficiency of calcium and iron, makes your bone strong, and maintains the structure of parts of the body. On use for some months, it increases growth hormones and height raise up to the limit. Those youngsters (male or female) who are 25 years old and they could not marry because of their short height, after some months of use of the “Qad Daraz Course” their height of them, raises and their problem for marrying solved.


Cholesterol Say Nijaat – Get Rid of Cholesterol Course

Like high blood pressure, cholesterol is also a silent killer. Patients with cholesterol increasing in the world day by day because people taking more rest, more food, use oil food, and not exercise. Meat, butter, liver, dry fruits, cream, etc. are increasing cholesterol levels. On raising cholesterol levels, vessels become thin due to which bluishness came to the face, patient complains of breathlessness, nerve pain, heart pain, heart closure, confusion, depression, tension, and heart attack. Most cholesterol patients may soon become heart patients.

“Cholesterol Nijat Course” brings down cholesterol levels. It is beneficial for joint pain, controls uric acid, functions the liver by cleaning blood, dissolves tumors, provides relief to diabetic & hepatitis patients, and is most beneficial for cholesterol level bring down as required. It is suitable for everyone.


Blessed Honey for Barren Couples

A unique way for childless or infertile couples is like an untreatable disease, through such a process thousands of men who have the ability to bear a baby (i.e. availability of chromosome required for reproduction) may not be existed or less in quantity, gain 100% able fertility. In fact, it is the spiritual recitation of the Quran otherwise there is a lot of medicine in the world.

Usage: take two onion if it is big in size than one, these onion should be white, such as onion find separate from other groceries in the grocery market. These onions are in and out white even when taken out its water, it becomes milky white. Pieces of onion smashed in a blender or by hand, squeezed its water through a clean cloth. Take honey which has already been recited from the holy Quran equal to onion water, and mixed them, it is called the “Auladi Powder”. Before eating anything early morning or after taking a light breakfast, take half a small spoonful of “Auladi Powder” only one time. This compound or medicine is equally beneficial for everyone of any age and may take it any season. It has no side effects. You may think that its temperament is hot due to honey. In fact, recited honey is the main substance of the formula even diabetic patients who take diabetic medicine normally may take it without any hesitation. The course of this medicine is consisting of 21 to 90 days. After some days, you get a test of fertility from the laboratory, you will be surprised when you see the result.

Note: Please come with honey otherwise pure honey is available in the office of Ubqari, If you have recited honey ended then you may get recited on more honey otherwise honey is added to already existing recited honey.


Blessed Honey for Barren Couples

Aulani Power is a   unique way for childless or infertile couples like untreatable disease, through such process thousands of men who have the ability to bear a baby (i.e. availability of chromosomes required for reproduction) may not be existed or less in quantity, gain 100% able fertility. In fact, it is the spiritual recitation of the Quran otherwise there is a lot of medicine in the world.

Usage: Take two onion if it is big in size than one, these onion should be white, such as onion find separate from other groceries in the grocery market. These onions are in and out white even when taken out of their water, they become milky white. Pieces of onion smashed in a blender or by hand, squeezed its water through a clean cloth. Take honey which has already been recited from the holy Quran equal to onion water, mixed them, it is called the “Auladi Powder”.

Before eating anything early morning or after taking a light breakfast, take half a small spoonful of “Auladi Powder” only one time. This compound or medicine is equally beneficial for everyone of any age and may take it any season. It has no side effects. You may think that its temperament is hot due to honey. In fact, recited honey is the main substance of the formula even diabetic patients who take diabetic medicine normally may take it without any hesitation. The course of this medicine is consisting of 21 to 90 days. After some days, you get a test of fertility from the laboratory, you will be surprised when you see the result.

Note: Please come with honey otherwise pure honey is available in the office of Ubqari, If you have recited honey ended then you may get recited on more honey otherwise honey is added in already existing recited honey.

Precaution: Avoid eating spicy and oily food. Offered five times prays with punctuality. Husband and wife, whether sit or stand, with or without Wazu, in the condition of clean or unclean recite “یا خالق یا باری یا مصور (Ya Khalique Ya Bariyo Ya Musaviro). During such a process, you will try to be pious, and spiritual, keep halal earnings and avoid wrongdoings then the effect is seen as clear and targeted. During the treatment husband and wife try to abstain from sexual intercourse. Pure honey and “Auladi Power” you may take from the monthly Ubqari office.


Zarghwani Naqrai – Men Special Ubqari In Pakistan

Most effective formula for lots of diseases:

“Zarghawani Naqrai” is a royal formula of Islamic medicine that was prepared specially for Kings, Dukes, Landlords, and rich persons. Whenever Kings or Dukes suffer from illness, royal physicians or practitioners gather and counsel to prepare a formula for many diseases, its dose should be less in quantity & volume, and more beneficial for the health of Kings, Dukes, etc. Out of these Royal formulas, one is “Zarghawani Naqrai”, it is free from every kind of poisonous compound or substance, sterilized, etc. it is a composition of pure local herbs and silver. A packet of 10 tablets is the composition of unbelievable magic. Such a tonic that absorbs in every part of the body and the body says itself that I am healthy, fresh, and strong. It is such a blessing that heals every part of the body spiritually and physically.

On using “Zarghawani Naqrai”, get unbelievable powers in the body and remain strong and healthy till old age. The person took interest in working hard.  The body of those patients who became yells after treatment of severe illness, blood deficiency, deprivation of strength & health, and the body was weak, in such situation “Zarghawani Naqrai” will prove light in the dark. “Zarghawani Naqrai” gave new life to the body, freshness to the heart, removed tiredness, maintained the digestive system, and enriching sexual power by remedying reproduction substances. It strengthens muscles.


A life free from body pain:

Joints, muscles, tissues, and nerves have basic relation with movement and activities of the human body, Energy is the other name for strengthening these. With the passage of time joints become dry and rough as well as tissues and nerves in and around joints make slow his movement by disappearing. As such, the patient feels severe pain in the joints. The cause of this pain is the use of oily and substandard food and less exercise so that food did not absorb its body. So undigested food creates problems in the drainage system due to which particles that have to take out from urine started accumulating in the body and are placed with gelatinous substances in joints as such joint pain started and increases with time.

A man who came from Dubai, told me about his illness and that he was going on for more than 50 years, his whole life he works hard and now rest and comfort days come but his health did not allow him. He going to be weak and his nervous system is slow, feels exhausted during a walk, feels his legs unconsciously, sometimes feels sweet and severe pain in the body, and passes many days in bed. He requested medicine that be his body active and could perform his work in a better manner. He also urged that for a long time his special power also weakened.

Some packets of “Zarghawani Naqrai” gave him and asked to use them. He used these packets of “Zarghawani Naqrai” and got such health as he surprise himself. Causes of illness are different from country to country, somewhere hot, somewhere cold, somewhere moisture in the air, and somewhere dry air so every medicine is not suitable for every country but “Zarghawani Naqrai” have a specialty, it has no restriction on the patient to take it anywhere of the world. With the grace of God, it is the source of health for every illness. It proves very effective in Arab countries also.

Note: It is pure local medicine; there is no restriction to taking it in any country of the world. “Zarghawani Naqrai” is very effective for joint pain and muscle pains particularly to make alert lifeless parts. Its use maintains the balance of Uric Acid in blood. It raises the supply of blood at the place of pain. “Zarghawani Naqrai” is the best for backache and leg pain. It is a priceless gift even for the most severe pain. It maintains spinal bone. Besides, when a pregnant woman could not tolerate the pain of the uterus or feels backache during her period, the use of “Zarghawani Naqrai” removes all these pains.

Treatment of paralysis, tremor, and stroke patients:

In the body, the supply of blood is the symbol of life body and if there is no blood supply then life makes paralysis. Whenever the number of cholesterol increases in the blood, obstacles came into the circulation of blood, and where blood circulation stops such a part effect and such illness called a stroke. It is normally attacked half body. The magical effect of “Zarghawani Naqrai” controls blood pressure and “Zarghawani Naqrai” keeps cholesterol in balance. It enriches the nervous system.

By providing freshness to vital organs, the heart & brain, and the liver, it keeps patients far from lethal diseases. Why diabetic patients are disappointed? “Zarghawani Naqrai” proves the water of life for diabetic patients. “Zarghawani Naqrai” removes all weaknesses which were created by diabetics by raising immunity with a special power. Most diabetic patients are unable to bear a child, we advise these patients to take “Zarghawani Naqrai” as such their special power restore and now they have children.

Note: The use of Nishati with “Zarghawani Naqrai” makes a double effect. “Zarghawani Naqrai” controls urine because diabetic or non-diabetic persons who pass urine much time in an hour or they could not control it or it passes while they getting up from their bed or falling drops every time, the use of “Zarghawani Naqrai” then such patients of urine treated well.

Good News: Women may also use “Zarghawani Naqrai” in any disease mentioned above with satisfaction. It is equally effective for children, teens, and old age.


Uroosi Suhag Course – Marriage/Raisin Medicine In Pakistan

Use before and after marriage (only for men)

Marriage is the process of making a new home or family. Every Mother of a son since his teen prays for his marriage, she bears everything but the son did not answer about his marriage and every time postponed the date by making excuses giving a new date for his marriage every time. In fact, he has anxiety about marrying because he did his life dark with his hand and after married he has nothing except embarrassment. He thinks about suicide because he lost his sexual power but the whole family sees him, who is young but not youngness, he is blank.

Now, where he goes, he is upset about the advertised medicine, and after listening to incidents from people, he is disappointed with this medicine. On the other hand, those persons who pass many years of marital life and reached the step of old age but whose heart is 18 years old, face tension and depression. All of these did not disappoint, “Uroosi Sohag Course”, in fact, is made of natural herbs and without any side effects, a person of any age group can use it whether you are young or older.

There are how many younger and older who came under light from darkness, earlier they thought that the only treatment for this ailment is death. So these disappointed people get energy and health that make examples for others. Let’s go with us, we teach you how to live and to get stronger. To follow the course trust and satisfaction are a must. Untrustworthy and hurriedness will not provide you health because it returns your lost power of years within some days only. After many constant experiments, the substances of this course has pure, unharmed, and free from side effects. The very first dose of it provides a message of peace and power.

Price: Rs.5000/- except postal charges.


FAQS | Buy Online Ubqari products medicines Ubqari Dawakhana Anmol Khazana Ubqari Price List 2022 in Pakistan

Could we use ubqari medicine without any tension?
Yes, you can use it without any attention and without any contact with the doctor. But, you should know about how it is used for.
Would this medicine help to reduce your pain?
Yes, these medicines are made for your health to reduce your pain and be happy in your life.
If an unknown person gives the medicine and says, you can use this. Can we use the medicine?
Never ever use these medicines. If you know about the medicine then you can use this.



Today, we detailed tell you about medicine (How you can use) it (Why you can use) it (Where you will use it) and so on. I recommend that you will use any medicine you should completely know about it.

Ubqari Medicine

Hazim e Khas (Powder) Ubqari – Digeston

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Karamati Tail Ubqari – Wonder Oil – Stamin

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SKU: KARAMATI TAIL - - Wonder Oil - Stamin

Shifa e Heart Ubqari (Syrup) – 250 ml

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SKU: SHIFA E HERAT (Syrup) - 250 ml

Qad Daraz Course Ubqari

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SKU: Qad Daraz Course

Pitta Pathri Shifa Ubqari

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Tibbe Nabvi (SAW) Hair Oil Ubqari

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Barkat Wali Theli Ubqari – The Blessed Money Bag

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Marham Sukoon Ubqari – Reliever Ointment

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SKU: MARHAM SUKOON - - Reliever Ointment

Khatoon Shifa Syrup Ubqari

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